‘ May the world enjoy peace, and may all beings be freed from ignorance and suffering.’
We are a peer led drop-in group for anyone with some experience of silent meditation who would like to support their practice by sitting in silence with others
6-7pm in Bath Scouts Headquarters
7 Grove St
Bath BA2 6PJ
This meditation is not guided or taught. There is an intention to create a regular supportive space within which we can experience being in silence together with others.
It is not important to hold particular beliefs or to consider yourself a Buddhist to meet with us.
We are a meditation group evolving alongside other local, national and international groups grounded in the the insight branch of the Theravada Buddhist tradition. We have connections as individuals and as a group with Gaia House which is a retreat centre in Devon. We share this connection with other insight meditation groups in Bristol, Frome, Oxford and London.
- 6.00-6.30 Silent Meditation
- 6.30-6.55 An opportunity to talk mindfully about practice and the dharma.
- 6.55-7.00 Closing meditation
This meditation is not guided or taught. There is an intention to create a regular supportive space within which we can experience being in silence together with others.
It is not important to hold particular beliefs or to consider yourself a Buddhist to meet with us.
We are a meditation group evolving alongside other local, national and international groups grounded in the the insight branch of the Theravada Buddhist tradition. We have connections as individuals and as a group with Gaia House which is a retreat centre in Devon. We share this connection with other insight meditation groups in Bristol, Frome, Oxford and London.